Saturday, March 21, 2020

Chemistry and Biochemistry - Is It Related to One Another?

Chemistry and Biochemistry - Is It Related to One Another?Chemistry and Biochemistry are not related to each other. Neither do they relate to Organic Chemistry and BioScience. So what is the connection between the two? In this article, we will discuss the nature of science, the importance of science, why science matters, how science changes the world, the necessity of science in society, why there are two kinds of science and why there are more than one kind of science.Science is defined as the systematic analysis of a phenomenon in order to understand its mechanism for producing and sustaining the same. As the term says, science deals with empirical data and theories which are introduced to explain the data.Science is a natural process and results in general laws that serve as a guide to our life. The tools and techniques of science are very many and wide. Scientific method or methodology depends on the acceptance of general theories, testing those theories by applying them to certa in facts, theories that are created and tested from objective and logical information that is gathered from empirical data.The sciences have their own controversies and philosophy about methodologies and methods, but the purpose of the disciplines is always to make the world a better place. Science can never exist without knowledge.The discipline of science includes all areas of the sciences such as chemistry, biology, physics, psychology, and so on. There are many branches of the science that should be included in the category of science.Biochemistry, genetics, plant physiology, animal behavior, animal anatomy, insect anatomy, and physiology are among the other branches of biochemistry. In addition, there are many branches in genetics such as the human genome project, functional genomics, and comparative genomics. Plant physiology is also another branch of biochemistry. Natural sciences include Botany, Astrophysics, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Ecology, and the number goes on.Chemi cal engineering is one of the specialties in chemistry. The aim of this branch of chemistry is to apply research into the fundamental properties of chemicals and to develop practical applications. Many fields in the chemical sciences are provided by chemical engineering.

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